As we’re all stepping into the New Year, so is Basement Love x PNNY… as they celebrate their one year anniversary of complete and utter success of being one of the raddest collaborations in Bali.
If you haven’t heard of Basement Love x PNNY, you’ve definitely been living under a rock this whole time. They’re pretty much a band of brothers consisting of Tiago Oudman and the boys of PNNY, and they’ve been bringing quality music and parties to Bali for a year now. We can’t imagine how life was before the collaboration came about.
They’ve built-base down by the shoreline of Canggu at La Brisa and have called it home for a while now. You’ve also probably seen their posters all over the Island and caught them at venues like The Lawn, Luigi’s, Potatohead, Pablo’s, Omnia and Da Maria, to name a few. They’ve even recently teamed up with the globally renowned Boiler Room and played beside the great Gerd Janson. With recurring gigs all over the Island and a brand that pretty much sells itself, you could say that Basement Love x PNNY has really done darn well for themselves in only a year.
We caught up with one of the boys of the collective, Gilang, to get the down low on how the highly in demand collaboration came about, are they actually building a studio and to break down each member of PNNY for us. Before we all run into each other at La Brisa for this epic celebration, let’s get our read on and get to know Basement Love x PNNY a little bit more than just the guys who serve us top notch music and parties.
You guys have created arguably the best regular event on the island with Basement Love, how did your collaboration come about?
Woaaah, we go way back! But officially Tiago was doing Basement Love with Kelly at La Brisa and I think at the time Kelly had some other work on the line and they asked if PNNY wanted to join forces.
What’s the story behind the names Basement Love and PNNY?
Well it was called Basement Love in the beginning and basically, we just added ‘X PNNY’ when we got together.
So I think this (the name PNNY) is by far the most frequently asked question for PNNY haha, there isn’t really a deep and philosophical meaning behind PNNY really. We wanted to call it Penny in the beginning, but there was already a brand called Penny so we took the ‘e’ out of it. But now it’s become such a saga over what it means so we’re kind of just going with whatever you make of it, if you know what i mean.
PNNY is like Bali’s answer to Wu Tang, how many of you is there and break down each member in one line for us and are you ALL playing for Basement Love x PNNY one year anniversary?
Theres 9 DJs in total right now, Dubwill, Andy chunes, Trigan Young, Alex Verdacchi, Theo Radenata, Equalwho, Kiran, Jody Taylor and me (Gilang).
Dubwill: Machine gun funk
Andy Chunes: The bro bear
Trigan: fissshhyyy!
Alex: OUFFFT! Haha
Theo: Mr. airdrums
Kiran: The young gun
Jody: Daddyyyyy
Equalwho: versatile
Alex Verdacchi is on the line for the anniversary, but we always all just jump in and play together in the end. So yes, we are ALL playing! ☺
All the PNNY collective are either born and bred in Bali or been here for a lonnnnnnng time man, tell us how you have seen the island change in that time musically as DJ’s and where you see it going in the future.
Offt its gone from 0-100 real quick man! I use to complain about the music all the time when I was younger. You go out now and you can definitely tell it has matured a lot! In terms of the future it’s all very exiting. Theres a lot of talent on the island right now, its definitely a very good time for music in Bali I feel.
What have been your personal highlights of the first year of Basement Love?
I feel like every party has been kind of a highlight this year, it has been such a fun year! But my personal favourite would be when we invited Massimiliano Pagliara to play with us at the beginning of last year, that was really fun! The Boiler room party we did was also super fun.
Tell us about the amazing venue you guys call home, La Brisa.
I mean what can I say, it’s a beach front fairyland! It’s a very special venue, theres nothing like it I feel!
What does 2020 have in store for PNNY and Basement Love?
We’re getting our studio sorted real soon, so hopefully when that’s done we’ll start producing more music in the future!
What’s going down at the anniversary event are there any special surprises lined up?
We have Denis Sulta as a guest DJ for the anniversary. It’s going to be a very special night for us, we’ve been trying to get this guy down to play with us for 5 years. We finally got him this time, so it should be a fun one!
If you got the chance to catch these bad boys behind the decks at Boiler Room and all their other killer gigs, especially if you’ve never seen these guys at all… you’re gonna want to get in on this one! Come and celebrate Basement Love X PNNY’s one year anniversary with them. Catch you guys there on 18th January, 2020.